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Pakistan, officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is a country in South Asia. It is the fifth-most populous country, with a population of over 241.5 million, having the second-largest Muslim population as of 2023. Islamabad is the nation's capital, while Karachi is its largest city and financial centre. Pakistan is the 33rd-largest country by area. Bounded by the Arabian Sea on the south, the Gulf of Oman on the southwest, and the Sir Creek on the southeast, it shares land borders with India to the east; Afghanistan to the west; Iran to the southwest; and China to the northeast. It shares a maritime border with Oman in the Gulf of Oman, and is separated from Tajikistan in the northwest by Afghanistan's narrow Wakhan Corridor.
Pakistan is the site of several ancient cultures, including the 8,500-year-old Neolithic site of Mehrgarh in Balochistan, the Indus Valley Civilisation of the Bronze Age, and the ancient Gandhara civilisation. The regions that compose the modern state of Pakistan were the realm of multiple empires and dynasties, including the Gandhāra, the Achaemenid, the Maurya, the Kushan, the Parthian, the Paratarajas, the Gupta; the Umayyad Caliphate in its southern regions, the Hindu Shahis,... [More]
- Last : 282.486 (PKR)
- High : 282.753-
- Low : 279.35-
- Max Fluctuation : 2.52-
- Max Fluctuation % : 0.22%-
- Open : 281.867-
- Time : 07:46:50-
- Yesterday : -
- Change % : INF%-
- Change : 282.486-
- Last : 291.324 (PKR)
- High : 291.324-
- Low : 291.324-
- Max Fluctuation : --
- Max Fluctuation % : --
- Open : 291.324-
- Time : 01:54:10-
- Yesterday : -
- Change % : INF%-
- Change : 291.324-
Pakistan Currency Markets
Pakistan Indices
Pakistan Stocks
Indicator | Value | Previous | Low | High | Change | Change % | Time | Chart |
Big Bird Foods Limied | 47 | - | 47 | 47 | 0.49 | 1.04% | 2025/02/10 Time 9:56 |
Pakistan Bonds
Pakistan Funds
Indicator | Value | Previous | Low | High | Change | Change % | Time | Chart |
Golden Arrow Selected Stocks | 14.46 | - | 14.46 | 14.46 | 0.00 | 0.00% | 2024/08/12 Time 14:51 |
Economic Indicators + Forecasts
Indicator | Last | Time | Previous | Metric |
Balance of Trade |
-645348 | 25 Jan | -680596 | PKR Million |
CPI Housing Utilities |
240 | 25 Jan | 238 | points |
CPI Transportation |
308 | 25 Jan | 305 | points |
Capital Flows |
340 | 24 Dec | -811 | USD Million |
Cement Production |
3358 | 24 Nov | 3543 | Thousands of Tonnes |
Changes in Inventories |
655421 | 23 Dec | 655453 | PKR Million |
Consumer Confidence |
38 | 25 Jan | 36.4 | points |
Consumer Credit |
1221795 | 24 Nov | 1212578 | PKR Million |
Consumer Price Index CPI |
266 | 25 Jan | 266 | points |
Consumer Spending |
36930029 | 23 Dec | 36026849 | PKR Million |
Core Inflation Rate |
7.8 | 25 Jan | 8.1 | percent |
Corporate Tax Rate |
29 | 25 Dec | 29 | percent |
Corruption Index |
29 | 23 Dec | 27 | Points |
Corruption Rank |
133 | 23 Dec | 140 | |
Credit Rating |
16 | 25 Feb | ||
Crude Oil Production |
66 | 24 Oct | 68 | BBL/D/1K |
Currency |
277 | 24 Nov | 278 | |
Current Account |
1612 | 24 Dec | -402 | USD Million |
Current Account to GDP |
-0.5 | 24 Jun | -1 | percent of GDP |
Electricity Production |
14941 | 24 Sep | 13961 | Gigawatt-hour |
Export Prices |
337 | 24 Jun | 347 | points |
Exports |
814620 | 25 Jan | 809554 | PKR Million |
External Debt |
133455 | 24 Sep | 131037 | USD Million |
Fiscal Expenditure |
16155 | 23 Dec | 13295 | PKR Billion |
Food Inflation |
-3.13 | 25 Jan | 0.27 | percent |
Foreign Direct Investment |
170 | 24 Dec | 219 | USD Million |
Foreign Exchange Reserves |
16409 | 24 Dec | 16133 | USD Million |
338 | 23 Dec | 375 | USD Billion |
GDP Annual Growth Rate |
2.5 | 24 Dec | -0.22 | percent |
GDP Constant Prices |
40963812 | 23 Dec | 40965801 | PKR Million |
GDP Deflator |
203 | 22 Dec | 163 | points |
GDP from Agriculture |
8982649 | 23 Dec | 8784839 | PKR Million |
GDP from Construction |
889708 | 23 Dec | 979399 | PKR Million |
GDP from Manufacturing |
4606868 | 23 Dec | 4864350 | PKR Million |
GDP from Mining |
629555 | 23 Dec | 651768 | PKR Million |
GDP from Services |
22653398 | 23 Dec | 22636951 | PKR Million |
GDP from Transport |
4098372 | 23 Dec | 3968552 | PKR Million |
GDP per Capita |
1664 | 23 Dec | 1697 | USD |
GDP per Capita PPP |
5599 | 23 Dec | 5710 | USD |
Gasoline Prices |
0.92 | 25 Jan | 0.91 | USD/Liter |
Gold Reserves |
64.74 | 24 Dec | 64.72 | Tonnes |
Government Budget |
-7.7 | 23 Dec | -7.9 | percent of GDP |
Government Budget Value |
-6521 | 23 Dec | -5260 | PKR Billion |
Government Debt to GDP |
91 | 23 Dec | 89 | percent of GDP |
Government Revenues |
9634 | 23 Dec | 8035 | PKR Billion |
Government Spending |
3905281 | 23 Dec | 4105687 | PKR Million |
Gross Fixed Capital Formation |
4114169 | 23 Dec | 4916895 | PKR Million |
Gross National Product |
45534727 | 23 Dec | 44194538 | PKR Million |
Import Prices |
289 | 24 Jun | 273 | points |
Imports |
1459968 | 25 Jan | 1490150 | PKR Million |
Industrial Production Mom |
-1.19 | 24 Nov | 0.46 | percent |
Inflation Rate |
2.4 | 25 Jan | 4.1 | percent |
Inflation Rate MoM |
0.2 | 25 Jan | 0.1 | percent |
Interbank Rate |
11.89 | 24 Dec | 12.82 | percent |
Interest Rate |
12 | 25 Jan | 13 | percent |
Loans to Private Sector |
9333195 | 24 Dec | 8659349 | PKR Million |
Manufacturing Production |
-3.81 | 24 Nov | 0.17 | percent |
Military Expenditure |
8521 | 23 Dec | 10358 | USD Million |
Minimum Wages |
37000 | 24 Jul | 32000 | PKR/Month |
Money Supply M0 |
11554878 | 24 Dec | 11527200 | PKR Million |
Money Supply M1 |
31227540 | 24 Dec | 31046445 | PKR Million |
Money Supply M2 |
36987192 | 24 Dec | 36911570 | PKR Million |
Money Supply M3 |
40182562 | 24 Dec | 40086473 | PKR Million |
Personal Income Tax Rate |
35 | 24 Dec | 35 | percent |
Population |
240 | 23 Dec | 236 | Million |
Private Sector Credit |
10820321 | 24 Dec | 10110410 | PKR Million |
Producer Prices |
312 | 24 Dec | 313 | points |
Producer Prices Change |
0.6 | 25 Jan | 1.9 | percent |
Remittances |
3079 | 24 Dec | 3079 | USD Million |
Stock Market |
110323 | 25 Feb | 110301 | points |
Terms of Trade |
117 | 24 Jun | 127 | points |
Terrorism Index |
7.92 | 23 Dec | 8.16 | Points |
Unemployed Persons |
4510 | 21 Dec | 4710 | Thousand |
Unemployment Rate |
5.7 | 23 Dec | 5.6 | percent |
Indicator | Actual | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Metric |
Balance of Trade | -645348 | -536000 | -507990 | -500000 | -565000 | PKR Million |
CPI Transportation | 308 | 311 | 314 | 316 | 318 | points |
Consumer Confidence | 38 | 38 | 41 | 39.9 | 37 | points |
Consumer Credit | 1221795 | 1156152 | 1156152 | 1181159 | PKR Million | |
Consumer Price Index CPI | 266 | 288.26 | 286.65 | 300.1 | 292.19 | points |
Consumer Spending | 36930029 | 38111790 | PKR Million | |||
Core Inflation Rate | 7.8 | 7.5 | 6.8 | 7.2 | 8 | percent |
Currency | 277 | 279 | 281 | 282 | 284 | |
Current Account | 1612 | -490 | -620 | -620 | -900 | USD Million |
Current Account to GDP | -0.5 | -0.8 | -1.1 | -1.4 | percent of GDP | |
Exports | 814620 | 764000 | 782010 | 770000 | 795000 | PKR Million |
Food Inflation | -3.13 | 5 | 7 | 7 | 8 | percent |
Foreign Exchange Reserves | 16409 | 16200 | 16100 | 16500 | 16400 | USD Million |
GDP | 338 | 349.2 | 363.17 | 377.69 | USD Billion | USD Billion |
GDP Annual Growth Rate | 2.5 | 3.2 | percent | |||
GDP Constant Prices | 40963812 | 42274654 | PKR Million | |||
GDP Deflator | 203 | 223.66 | points | |||
GDP from Agriculture | 8982649 | 9270094 | PKR Million | |||
GDP from Construction | 889708 | 918179 | PKR Million | |||
GDP from Manufacturing | 4606868 | 4754288 | PKR Million | |||
GDP from Mining | 629555 | 649701 | PKR Million | |||
GDP from Services | 22653398 | 23378307 | PKR Million | |||
GDP from Transport | 4098372 | 4229520 | PKR Million | |||
GDP per Capita | 1664 | 1717 | 1786 | 1857 | USD | USD |
GDP per Capita PPP | 5599 | 5778 | 6010 | 6250 | USD | USD |
Gasoline Prices | 0.92 | 0.92 | 0.93 | 0.94 | 0.96 | USD/Liter |
Government Budget | -7.7 | -5 | -5 | percent of GDP | ||
Government Debt to GDP | 91 | 71 | 70 | 67 | percent of GDP | |
Gross Fixed Capital Formation | 4114169 | 4245822 | PKR Million | |||
Gross National Product | 45534727 | 46991838 | PKR Million | |||
Imports | 1459968 | 1300000 | 1290000 | 1270000 | 1360000 | PKR Million |
Inflation Rate | 2.4 | 9 | 12 | 15 | 10 | percent |
Inflation Rate MoM | 0.2 | 1 | 1.1 | 0.5 | 0.8 | percent |
Interbank Rate | 11.89 | 10.89 | 9.89 | 8.89 | 8.89 | percent |
Interest Rate | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 9 | percent |
Loans to Private Sector | 9333195 | 7520513 | 7520513 | PKR Million | ||
Population | 240 | 240.5 | 245.5 | 245.5 | Million | Million |
Producer Prices | 312 | 335.12 | 327.38 | 338.58 | 343.15 | points |
Producer Prices Change | 0.6 | 5.4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | percent |
Stock Market | 110323 | 112028 | 109845 | 107697 | 105607 | points |
Unemployment Rate | 5.7 | 6.5 | percent |